
File Upload and Download

Cool Cafe Sites makes File Upload and Download a snap!

You can easily upload images (multiples at time), and our program automatically resizes and optimizes your images for fast downloads ON THE FLY according to your specifications.

You can upload other files and all common file types are allowed!

Downoads from Your Website

So, if you want to provide files for download (such as a PDF of your menu), you can easily embed it on any page you want.  Just keep in mind that a PDF file is NOT an image, so if you want to provide an IMAGE of your menu (WHICH WE DO NOT RECOMMEND!), you'll need to upload one as well and think link your PFD to it.

Uploads from Online Forms?

Yes.  If you want people to be able to add a file to a contact form, just use the "file upload" snippet from the website editor (CMS).

File Upload and Download
Mon 11AM - 9PM
Tue 11AM - 9PM
Wed 11AM - 9PM
Thu 11AM - 9PM
Fri 11AM - 9PM
Sat 11AM - 10PM
Sun 11AM - 10PM